duration: 20’ loop
5-channel sound installation
concept, musical composition, arrangements, sound design and installation by Aimée Portioli


"Symphony for Endangered Birds: A Multi-Channel Ode" is a research and recording project aimed at creating a 5-channel installation that incorporates the enchanting melodies of endangered bird species into a meticulously edited and harmoniously blended composition. This immersive experience envelops visitors in a symphony of orchestrated harmonies, as if the feathered inhabitants have united in a melodic collaboration. The installation celebrates the diverse melodies of various bird species while emphasizing the plight of those facing endangerment, aiming to raise awareness about the challenges these avian wonders encounter in our shared world.


Birds play crucial roles in maintaining ecological balance. They control insect populations, pollinate flowers, and disperse seeds, contributing to the health and diversity of ecosystems. Their presence and behavior serve as indicators of ecosystem health, making them important barometers for biodiversity. Many bird species are essential for seed dispersal, as they consume fruits and seeds, dispersing them over wide areas. Insectivorous species help regulate pest populations, contributing to agricultural and forestry practices.


Birds use songs and calls for communication within their species, conveying information about territory, mating, danger, and social interactions. Each bird species has a unique repertoire of sounds and songs, conveying information specific to their ecological niche. Birdsong often depends on specific contexts, with nuances that require a deep understanding of each species' behavior. Individual birds within a species may have variations in their songs, adding further layers of complexity to the meaning.

In my exploration of endangered birds, I've become fascinated by the phenomenon of species losing their distinctive songs as they approach extinction. The Kauai O'o serves as a poignant example, with its captivating melody now silenced forever.


"Symphony for Endangered Birds: A Multi-Channel Ode" will combine recordings from distinct bird species, edited to seamlessly merge their individual songs into a harmonious ensemble. The carefully curated soundscape will mirror the essence of a choir, suggesting a collaborative effort. The 5-channel configuration enhances the immersive experience, enveloping visitors in a spatial arrangement that unfolds the collective birdsong symphony.


The artistic process goes beyond mere audio manipulation; it symbolically represents a unified voice of nature against the challenges imposed by mankind. By merging the voices of endangered birds into a collective choir, I want to communicate a powerful message of solidarity and resilience in the face of habitat loss, pollution, and other threats posed by human activities.

The installation incorporates informational materials that provide insights into each bird species, their endangerment status, and the artistic process behind creating the collective composition. This narrative integration enhances the audience's understanding of the delicate balance between humanity and the avian inhabitants. The unification of bird voices serves as a poignant call to action, urging viewers to reflect on the challenges these birds face due to human activities. The collective choir becomes a symbolic expression of resistance, encouraging awareness and conservation efforts to protect these endangered species and their habitats.

Through this artistic process, I will transform individual bird voices into a powerful, united symphony—a musical and symbolic protest against the threats imposed by mankind. The installation serves as a medium through which the beauty of birdsong becomes a compelling force, advocating for the protection of the natural world and fostering a deeper connection between human beings and the endangered avian wonders.


"Symphony for Endangered Birds: A Multi-Channel Ode" will feature a diverse range of endangered bird species, such as the Kakapo from New Zealand with its sweet calls and the nocturnal Javan Hawk-Eagle native to Indonesia, known for its distinctive vocalizations. The haunting melody of the Western Ground Parrot in Australia underscores the imminent threat of extinction due to habitat loss. The majestic Philippine Eagle's calls resonate through dense forests, symbolizing the urgency to protect its habitat from deforestation and illegal hunting. In South America, the Jocotoco Antpitta, discovered in 1997, faces endangerment due to habitat destruction, emphasizing the importance of preserving cloud forest ecosystems. Lastly, the Helmeted Hornbill in Borneo, critically endangered due to illegal hunting and habitat loss, reinforces the need for immediate and comprehensive conservation efforts.

In my exploration of endangered birds, the Kauai O'o stood out to me, particularly for its mesmerizing song. The Kauai O'o's song was a captivating melody of whistles and trills, echoing through the island's lush forests. Tragically, this bird is now extinct, its last notes silenced in 1987 due to habitat loss, invasive predators, and diseases. The Kauai O'o's song, once a vibrant part of nature, serves as a reminder of our responsibility to protect and preserve the delicate balance of ecosystems. Let its haunting melody inspire us to prioritize conservation and habitat restoration, preventing the tragic silence of other unique bird songs in the natural world.


As an artist, my hope is that this installation not only sparks a renewed appreciation for the diversity and intricacies of bird melodies but also serves as a catalyst for collective action. Through shared awareness, education, and a commitment to conservation, we can contribute to the preservation of these melodies and ensure that the harmonious symphony of endangered birds continues to echo through the natural landscapes of our shared home.

In the past, I explored the interconnectedness of nature and sound in an installation and live act titled "Tuning the Wind".
Delving into the essence of wind as an invisible force, the piece highlighted the diverse sounds it produces when interacting with various elements. Recognizing that wind is air in motion and its sound depends on factors like strength and objects in its path, the composition aimed to capture the multitude of frequencies and timbres inherent in the wind.

Building on the previous exploration of the relationship between humanity and the natural environment, my current project, "Symphony for Endangered Birds: A Multi-Channel Ode" continues this exploration.